posted 21 years ago
Hi guys,
what does it mean of the following statement given ih the "instructions.html" .
If updates occur to a record that is being displayed on another client, then no change occurs at the other client.
This statement is always true because until and unless you update the UI it would not show latest data because it a static display.
please read the following example what i implemented in my assignment.
For example :
I opened two remote clients in a single machine where server also running.
in first Client window:
I selected one record where availble seats are only 2.
I reserved these two records.So the number of available seats now are zero in that record.
in second Client window:
I selected the same record in the second client window.
It is showing number of available are 2 because it is not updated.
If I try to reserve these two seats it will through a message as "Sorry! no seats available.
my question is does this explanation satisfies the above given statement?.
please clarify me.