Should I insert into runme.jar 2/3 different jars
The executable JAR containing the programs. This must be called runme.jar
or it's allowed to import interfaces from another package,as 'suncertify.remote'?
Sun Certified Java Web Component Developer for J2EE v1.4<br />Sun Certified Java Developer for J2SE v1.4<br />Sun Certified Java Programmer for J2SE v1.4
then remote must import client's package.
Originally posted by Stephen Galbraith:
with reference to Paul "_bad_" comment, I guess it all depends. I mean if your suncertify.gui package has more than just the gui isn't that _bad_ (i.e. misleading). ...
Sun Certified Java Web Component Developer for J2EE v1.4<br />Sun Certified Java Developer for J2SE v1.4<br />Sun Certified Java Programmer for J2SE v1.4
Originally posted by Peter Kovgan:
1.Should I insert into runme.jar 2/3 different jars: client and server and network with completely separate classes(any part(client, server) can work without import any class from another part).
Or it's allowed to build 1 runme.jar with all files of client and server imported each other(as in Max book)?
When you submit your assignment, each part (client and server) must be executable using a command of this exact form:
java -jar <path_and_filename> [<mode>]
Your programs must not require use of command line arguments other than the single mode flag, which must be supported. Your programs must not require use of command line property specifications. All configuration must be done via a GUI, and must be persistent between runs of the program. Such configuration information must be stored in a file called which must be located in the current working directory.
The mode flag must be either "server", indicating the server program must run, "alone", indicating standalone mode, or left out entirely, in which case the network client and gui must run.
The executable JAR containing the programs. This must be called runme.jar.
Regards, George
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