I'm having trouble understanding how the package.html file is supposed
to work. Presently, I have 1 package.html in the same directory as
my source code, for example, for these 2 packages, I have:
Each of these give a "package-level" description of their respective package. Next, I generate the javadoc files for the suncertify.comm package by:
This creates a scjd/html/suncertify/comm directory with all the .html
files for the package in it. In addition, it creates a bunch of files
in scjd/html, 1 of which is index.html, which contains the package
comments I included in scjd/code/suncertify/comm/package.html as well as
links to the suncertify.comm package documentation.
Now my confusion comes when I then issue a similar command for another package, for example:
This creates a subdirectory scjd/html/suncertify/util as expected, but the index.html created when I ran javadoc on suncertify.db is overwritten!
So how do I run javadoc so each package's package.html is added to the overall documentation tree? I guess I am not placing it in the correct directory?
Any help is appreciated!
- Rolf.