Hello Bert
You should not care about this stuff unless you have requirement to implement delete function (say, on server side). Delete may be mentioned in interface (as in my URLyBird) but I had no
word that I really have to use 'delete' button in GUI. I implemented this method but did not use it.
2. One way to handle this kind of problems is to make server which lets clients know that some record(s) was deleted. It can be done with RMI, say, you observer which waits if any records are deleted and calls corresponding 'refresh' method on clients. But, in this case it is overkill, because this feature is not required by Sun and therefore may only lower your grade. And it is also not good because decreases prformance.
3. You may consider following : let users see dirty records, but when user tries to book record, additionally check on server tier if that record has been deleted already.
Regards<br /> <br />Ph.D.<br />SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCJD 2