posted 20 years ago
Hello all,
I'm faced with a bit of a dilemma: I'd like to learn as much as i can from this, and i'd like to finish this project before it finishes me.
I'm doing the B&S assignment. For locking, to make sure there are no deadlocks, dirty reads, concurrent writes, etc, i'm considering making a synchronized data class, a la Collections.synchronizedList/Set/Map. In other words, my service facade will be working strictly with all synchronized methods, i would imagine, with no chance of concurrency problem, both in local and network (rmi, in my case) modes.
I could also do a reader/writer implementation with monitors, signaling, record-level locking, etc, but there is a whole lot more of a chance i'll screw that up.
What are the chances i'll be failed for this solution?
Thank you,
| eg
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: Ed Green ]