posted 20 years ago
My assignment is URLyBird.
In instruction there is a statment "They take bookings only within 48 hours of the start of room occupancy",
which mean that customer can book the room that will be occupy on today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Well, assume here is a room that have been booked and occupied tomorrow by a customer, so in database, here should have a
record that the Date field value is tomorrow.
To the date after tomorrow, How should I manage it? let it idle?
I have tree solution as below,
1. Let it idle, using this solution, the use efficiency of the room is somewhat low, but the customer can modify the booking infomation,
e.g. modify occupying date or cancel the booking.
2. allow it to be occupy by other customer, using this solution, the infomation related to the room, which record the first customer's id and occupied time in database, will be wiped off, but the new customer's information instead. it mean that CSR can't find the record associated with the first customer again, as a result the first customer can't modify the booking.
3. append the same two record as the record is associated with the room, which represent today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow respectively, therefore, customer can modify the booking infomation and the room can be used efficiently. but the instruction have a sentence
as below
"the data must continue to be manipulated for reports using another custom-written application, the new system must reimplement the database code from scratch without altering the data file format. "
I don't konw if this solution deviate the instruction.
please give me a idea to decide to adopt which one.
best regard
SCJP1.4 SCJD 2<br />SCEA(In progressing)