The above code is almost identical to someone elses posted on this forum.
1/ As the code stands it spawns 33*10 threads, this is
alot, too many for most RMI implementations, if you replace db with your remote stub and use that it will probably fall over, so reduce the 10 value to 2 for RMI.
2/ The 33 value is the number of rows in your table so you need to modify that.
3/ The above code guarantees a single DB object, you may want to make sure your code guarantees this on its own, depending on your design. Simply make the db non-static to test this.
4/ The code creates a lot of logging! So use java.util.logging or reduce it, or you will likely crash your PC. Also note FINE is not logged by default, you need to do - see below
5/ Add code or manually edit file so that your customer field is equal to "0"
6/ The end result is to that every record should end up customer field == 10*200. If not something is amiss. Also check very carefully that all the other fields are not corrupted, as this code also tests your RAFWrappers thread-safety.
7/ If you don't use cookies it's a simple mod in the code above.
java.util.logging setup if you haven't used it before.
otherwise default uses flippin XML
Have fun