Originally posted by mike acre: Date is lighter & faster (by a huge amount) and simpler for Mr JP and there is no need for Calendar.
You can get a Date from the database format using SimpleDateFormat, then you can subtract 48hrs from it and compare it with the current date.
Beware of the use of Date and attempts to determine today's date from it. The value is stored in UTC (GMT) and as such if you aren't in England or its summer, your value for midnight isn't the same as Date's. The easiest way around this is to use the SimpleDateFormat to convert midnight this morning to a Date and then use that in calculations.
Originally posted by Anton Golovin: Here's the method... I bet there is an easier way...
Here's what I do, I only allow today, tomorrow and the day after.
It calsulates minDate as midnight this morning, then calculates the max date as 2 days later. Since all values are at midnight, time == 0, this will work. Here's the Functions methods:
It wasn't my idea to go to some crazy nightclub in the middle of nowhere. I just wanted to stay home and cuddle with this tiny ad: