Hi Vincent,
No problems with your post, although the "build uploads" part of your question did make me question whether this was in the correct forum - after all, where are you uploading to?
A version control system is a great idea. Get used to using one now, and you will be more prepared for using one on larger projects. And you may find that even in a project as small as the SCJD assignment, you may wish to revert to an earlier, working, version of your code and/or work out what your changes were over time - all of which a version control system can help you with.
Personally, I am a fan of
CVS - the server is free on most platforms, it is easy to use, and there are clients for it integrated into most of the popular IDEs as well as standalone clients.
A project called
Subversion is getting a lot of attention at the moment - you might want to check it out as an alternative to CVS.
As for nightly builds - if you are using something like
JUnit in combination with
Ant, you should find this very easy to set up and run.
Regards, Andrew