posted 19 years ago
Hi Readers
I downloaded the assignment db-2x3.db. When I check the contents in the ultraedit editor. I found the first 6 characters are contains only ...... c
But In my assignment says
Start of file
4 byte numeric, magic cookie value. Identifies this as a data file
2 byte numeric, number of fields in each record
Schema description section.
Repeated for each field in a record:
1 byte numeric, length in bytes of field name
n bytes (defined by previous entry), field name
1 byte numeric, field length in bytes
end of repeating block
Data section.
Repeat to end of file:
1 byte flag. 00 implies valid record, 0xFF implies deleted record
Record containing fields in order specified in schema section, no separators between fields, each field fixed length at maximum specified in schema information
End of file
I didn't find the magic cookie value in the file.
Any ideas how to verify the file format is correct?