my assignment is URLYBird1.3.3, I want to use 3 tier to design my project. but I just found the requirement document say: The main architecture of the application must be a traditional client-server system. There are three key parts: the server-side data management system, the client-side GUI, and the network connection between the two.
does that mean I have to use 2 tier structure to design my project. thank2.
It must be 2-tier, not 2-layer. What would be a 3-tier architecture?
Just answering myself hehe. 3-tier: data base tier, business tier, interface tier, with two network layers. [ March 20, 2006: Message edited by: Eiji Seki ]
I also have URLyBird 1.3.3 and I have a "business" tier on the server side. However, even in network mode, there are only 2 interacting hosts, the host on which the client application is run and the host on which the ONLY server application is run. So you have a client talking to a server. In that sense it is still a traditional client-server architecture. It all depends on interpretation. This has been discussed to great lengths in this thread: Should lock methods be callable by the client
Regards, Ronald.
Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5