posted 18 years ago
It was mentioned in my Assignment
�They take bookings only within 48 hours of the start of room occupancy�
I have already asked this question, I understand that
1- If the room is available for today date, it can be booked
2- If the room is available for the day of tomorrow, it can be booked
3- If the room is available for the date of after tomorrow, it can be booked
4- If the room will be available for a date after today + 48 hours, it can not booked
Am I wrong?
Can the user book a room for a date which is prior today + 48 hours, for example, if today is june 29, can the user book the room for June 30 or July 1st ?
Does the spec �They take bookings only within 48 hours of the start of room occupancy� have other meanings?