Alright... something weird here. I managed to solve the question I raised earlier on. However, I don't think that's the right solution.
The problem lies with the length of my smoking restriction. In my instruction, it mentioned the field length is 1. However, I realise that I need to set it to 3, then the fields that come after smoking restriction will not display wrong output(bcos of some positioning).
I feel that this is kind of weird. Either SUN has an error in their instruction (which I don't think so) or something wrong with my logic. Can anyone advise?
I am also wondering if it got to do with:
Data section. (offset into file equal to "offset to start of record zero" value)
Repeat to end of file:
2 byte flag. 00 implies valid record, 0x8000 implies deleted record
Record containing fields in order specified in schema section, no separators between fields, each field fixed length at maximum specified in schema information
How do I read this section?
[ August 09, 2006: Message edited by: Shan Jun Hao ]