Originally posted by Zhixiong Pan:
Hi ranchers:
My submitting jar file contains classes folder which is not required in the instruction. Does it matter?
Could you tell me the link to submit? It has been over a year since I fetch the assignment, so I forgot it.
Originally posted by Zhixiong Pan:
Hi Mark,
I think now you are online, so I can "talk" with you this time.
In my ant file, I have excluded the classes folder. But there is still a folder called meta-inf. Does that matter?
I have heard you got an auto failure(I am so sorry) since the version.txt, but I don't think it is a common ignorance, so hope I will not be trapped in that.
Install and Run
1)Run the server:
Go to the runme.jar directory in command window and type command "java -jar runme.jar server". Later a server frame
will appear. On that frame, press the "configure" button and a dialog will pop out. On that dialog, type server port and
db file directory and quit with "Ok". At last, start the server by press "start server" button.
While starting the server, if property "Server Port" is absent or if is not a number, a configuration dialog will be popped
to let you re-configure and the server will re-try to start. If property "Server DB File" is absent or incorrect file,
then a configuration dialog will be popped to let you re-configure and the current application ends.
2)Run network client:
Double click the "runme.jar" file.
While starting the network client, if property "Client Port" is absent or if is not a number or if it "Server IP" can't
connect to the server or if server is not started, a configuration dialog will be popped to let you re-configure and the current
application ends. After that you can re-start the network client.
After you load into "Room Booking System" interface, if you want to change to another server, just go to the menu and click on
"File" and choose "Configure" in the drag-down list.
3)Run alone client:
Go to the runme.jar directory in command window and type command "java -jar runme.jar alone".
While starting the alone client, if property "Alone DB File" is absent or incorrect file, then a configuration dialog will be
popped to let you re-configure and the current application ends. After that you can re-start the alone client.
After you load into "Room Booking System" interface, if you want to change to another db file, just go to the menu and click on
"File" and choose "Configure" in the drag-down list.
How to Use This Program
The "Room Booking System" interface has two major parts. The above part is an operational interface,
and the below one can be called "Room Displaying Interface".
1) "Room Displaying Interface" displays the room information such as "name" "location" and so on,
which initially(right after the user login) display all rooms' information.
2) The operational interface can be divided into three regions from left to right.
a. The left region is called "Filter Results" which is responsible for filtering the room in
"Room Displaying Interface" which user don't want to see. There are two check boxes named
"Only unbooked rooms" and "Only rooms available". Checking "Only unbooked rooms" will filter
rooms that has been booked, while checking "Only rooms available"
only rooms whose "data" information are 0 to 48 hours after 12:00Pm of the current day will
be remained and the others be filtered. If both check boxes are signed, "Room Displaying
Interface" will display unbooked rooms whose "data" information are 0 to 48 hours after
12:00Pm of the current day. Cancel the checking of any check box will recover the
"Room Displaying Interface" to previous state.
b. The middle region is called "Search Criteria" which is responsible for searching specific
rooms. The "Hotel name" combo box stores all names of existed rooms, and the "Hotel location"
combo box's contents are all locations of these rooms. The check box of "Match either Name
or City" is to decide whether both of "Hotel name" and "Hotel location" conditions should be
satisfied(if unchecked) or just any one condition should be satisfied(if checked).
If let either combo box be blank, that means such a condition match all cases,
or doing searching without such a condition, in another word.
c. The right region is called "Book Room" which is responsible for booking a room which is selected
and highlighted in the "Room Displaying Interface". The legal sequence to book a room is as
following: first choose an unbooked room(room's "owner" is blank), then input your ID which
should not be longer than 8 characters in the text area of "Customer ID", and finally press the
"Book" button. Only one room can be booked per once. So if more then one rooms have been
selected when pressing "Book" button, only the room whose position is nearest to the top of
"Room Displaying Interface" will be booked. If your booking room already has an "owner" or is not
time available, the system will pop a massage warning "Can not book that room". If such a massage
still popped while your booking room is blank and time available, it indicates that another one was
also booking that room at the same timeas you were and faster then you. If your ID extends the
length of 8 characters, the system will pop massage of "Your ID cant be longer then 8 characters!
Please enter again!". If you had successfully booked a room, the system will pop massage as
"You have successfully booked".
Structure of Package
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