Hi All,
I have a query regarding whether i should put update functionality in the UI i.e allow a user to update certain fields in the database via the GUI.
The Database layer interface provided by Sun contains the following signature and description of the update method
// Modifies the fields of a record. The new value for field n
// appears in data[n].
public void update(int recNo,
String [] data)
throws RecordNotFoundException;
In the user interface requirements the following is specified:
The user interface for this assignment must satisfy the following criteria:
It must be composed exclusively with components from the
Java Foundation Classes (Swing components).
It must allow the user to search the data for all records, or for records where the name and/or location fields exactly match values specified by the user.
It must present search results in a JTable.
It must allow the user to book a selected record, updating the database file accordingly.
Your user interface should be designed with the expectation of future functionality enhancements, and it should establish a framework that will support this with minimal disruption to the users when this occurs.
As you can see in the above user interface requirements there is no mention of providing functionality which allows the user to update a record/records in the UI however in the Data interface we must provide an implementation.
So finally my questions are:
1) Do I provide functionality to allow a user to update a record in the UI or more specifically fields of a specific record?
2) If i do allow the user to update records in the GUI then since there is no mention of what fields the user can update in the UI in the specification above, is it at my discretion which fields i allow the user to update? If so what have others done in this scenario?
Many thanks in advance.
P.S I am working on UrlyBird 1.3.1