I dont have have answers for the below questions.I will be
glad if somenone gives me the answers.
1) does
Java support variant datatype?
2)which are indeterminate loop types in Java?
3)what do ordinalcomparators(<,<=,>,>=) return?
4)static modifiers are not allowed to use________ features
of their class.
5)while an objects_________ is unchanging, it may be referenced
by variables of different ________
6)yield()and sleep() throw which kind of exceptions.
7)which of these accept duplicates?
a)collection //accepts
b)list //accepts
c)set //doesnt accept
d)map //may be since map can be combined
8)what are the 3 font names that u can always use in setting a font?
9)what are the 4 integral datatypes?
10)u can define constructors using what 2 access specifiers
11)what class is b in this code:
Base b = new Sub();