Hi all,
This question is from a Mock
Which of the following is true ?
a. Subclasses must define all the methods that the superclass defines.
b. A class must define all the methods in the interface that it says it implements.
c. A class can't override the super class's constructor.
d. It is possible for 2 classes to be superclass of each other.
e. An interface can implement multiple interfaces.
My answers were ....
a. False.
b. True // Note
c. True
d. False never. ClassCircularityError occurs
e. False it can only extend multiple interface
But the test says the right answer is only c.
I think this is true
b. A class must define all the methods in the interface that it says it implements.
[This message has been edited by Aru (edited August 31, 2000).]