SCJP now and scored 88%.It's really a good experience after engineering.I really thanx to Ajith and MahaAnna.They have really cleared my doublts.
Still i'm confused about so many question as typical for Keywords.I didn't sastisfy with that.But this sites really help me out lot.
If anybody want any suggestion or guideline please mail me on this mail id
sanjaypts@yahoo.com or contact me on +91-020-5445804.
I really thanx to my sir and all of my friends who help me out to cleared this.
Mock exam is really a good practice and RHE is good for start.If you want to clear more doughts go through Khalid-Mugal certification guide.Yes i got 16 additional marks if anybody wants that and if Sun allow that i'm ready to give to anybody(Oops....).
Again thanx to all
sp(Sanjay Patel)