I just cleared SJCP yesterday, score was enough only to pass the exam.
First of all thanx to this grp moderators who are helping people reaching their goals.
Well coming to point, I would like to share my thoughts abt this exam. What I feel this exam is becoming is like
test with lot of
Java puzzles, let's see how much you can solve!!!
This test is supposed to test a person's programming abilities in Java language rather than to test abilities in solving unknown java hidden puzzles. Now each programming language has it's conventions, deep fundas. Now to write a good comercial program, do a person need to have abilities to solve puzzles or need to have knowledge in notrequired hidden facts abt language.
What i felt thru all those mock exams and real exam i gave, I was quite disappointed with my score (as i have 4 yrs programming experience). It doesn't matter how much you have programed, what it matters how many mock exams you have done. Mock exams make a person prepare for exam ARTIFICIALLY, not in real sense.
I would like to have comments from moderators and persons who have given this exam.