I am very happy with this site and particularly with maha's explanations .
I will write exam on 21/11/2000.
I also likely to give some info. for the very starting guys.
Java Key words easy to remember:
8-primitives -- boolean,byte,short,char,int,long,float,double
10-modifiers---- public,protected,private,abstract,static,final,
6-clasees etc.- package,import,class,extends,implements,interface
10-flow.. ------ if,else,do,while,case,for,swith,default,break,continue
5-exceptions---- try,catch,throw,throws,finally
6- others------ new,this,super,void,return,instanceof
45 ---Total
2 -- reserved words not in use --- goto, const
3 --- reserved literals --- null,true,false
It is may be silly, but just i want to participate.
Once again thanks maha anna and other guys.