Amit, If two applets are in the same context they you can communicate using AppletContext. If they are two different applets then you have to have a kind of Manager/Server to communicate across. Infact this is how we did to keep all the applets in sync across client windows. Hope this helps.
Originally posted by amit sanghai: Hi everybody, How can I call an Applet from another Applet?
By Manager/Server do you mean that we will have to contact the server by using socket programming? What do you mean by keeping all the applets in sync across client windows? I am confused. Please help!!!
Use the NAME tag in the HTML definition. You can give a name to your applet. Other applets in the HTML page can access your applet with this NAME. thanks.
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
What are you doing? You are supposed to be reading this tiny ad!
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