Howdy Folks,
I've got a pretty interesting 4-node cluster on 2 servers (each server has 2x900+ P3 CPUs and 2GB of RAM). Each startup server has the following Heap Allocation $
java hotspot -Xms800m -Xmx800m -XX:SurvivorRation=2 -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m. I use the default of 15 for my
thread count and beyond that, I don't really do anything else.
I'm using HotSpot with JDK 1.3 in my start-up server file. I've seen some other tuning parameters from the web site, but never implemented any. Performance is just average (acceptable), but for my hardware and configuration, this environment should be humming with no problems. Anyone have any JVM/Hotspot performance tips?