Originally posted by Ramesh Mandapati:
Did anybody used any of the above caching systems in production environment?
I have evaluated the above products as well as EHCache.
AFAIK,JCS looks outdated and doesnt scale much.
OScache is suitable for web app caching of small
java objects. But dont use this for disk caching.
SwarmCache performance is good and removes the objects from memory based on the algo. chosen. If memory is a constraint for u , go for this.
EHCache also is memory sensitive, but a bit slower than Swarmcache.
I also have a question to the list:
My application requires loading around 4M records into memory from database. We tried Caching products as well as in-memory databases. But,
the used memory keeps increasing and after a few days heap max. size is reached and the system hangs. Is there a product/approach that you would suggest for such a scenario.