Anyone know of any open/semi-open projects that intend to use JXTA in an online game or player matching application? It would seem to me that this technology could be quite useful. At least for a player matching application, instead of the client going out to a server and asking who has a good ping-time, client just goes and checks for himself. And it would be a great way to distribute updates and new content without tying up server space and bandwidth somewhere. Would this week's giveaway book be useful for helping design an application like I'm suggesting?
I'm planning to start work on a game soon (I'm in the learning stages of game programming right now, and at work have done server-side
java mostly, with a little bit of GUI tinkering on the side) and hope to incorporate JXTA into it somehow. My initial thought is a simple top-down RPG where your computer manages maybe 10 small randomly-generated levels (a dungeon) and persists them so anytime you go online they become available to others to explore. When you go to leave a dungeon, you would have the ability to return to your 'home' dungeon, or the top 3 other dungeons, ranked by uptime, connection stability and speed, and possibly player preferences regarding the type or difficulty of dungeons they like to explore. I expect this would be more of a tech demo to start with, but version 2 might be worthy of playing for fun after it's polished and has more content.
Thoughts? Suggestions?