Originally posted by Benson Fung:
Do I need to delcare renderHello as a managed property in faces-config.xml?
- Varun
Originally posted by K Varun:
If I have a property "renderHello", irrespective of it's type I have to use getRenderHello() (not isRenderHello() ) to retrieve in JSF page.
Does "isRenderHello" works for you Gregg?
[ January 07, 2005: Message edited by: K Varun ]
- Varun
Originally posted by K Varun:
Oh, so that's implementation dependant, strange !!
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
I don't see why it would be. What implementation are you using? The other thing is using isXXXX for booleans is just general JavaBean rules.
- Varun
- Varun
Originally posted by K Varun:
I am using IBM's jsf implmentation.
If I create a boolean xxx property, the IDE create isXXX method automatically, so far so good .... but to use it in UI page, I have to change that isXXX to getXXX, else I face the error "property not found"
[ January 07, 2005: Message edited by: K Varun ]
- Varun
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