I'm so confused! Can someone explain to me how to use the MyFaces Tomahawk <t:columns> tag? The documentation is minimal, to say the least, and I can't seem to find a basic example anywhere. Most of the questions that I've found discussing it are asking about things like sorting and scrolling. All I need to know is how to use the tag at all.
Here's one version of what I've been trying.
Here's the output I wanted:
Here's the output I got:
Part of the
JSP file:
Part of the
Java code:
Should I be giving <t:dataTable> an array of data grouped as rows (which is what I tried first) or an array of data grouped as columns (which is what I'm trying in the above example)? In other words, should each array inside the ArrayList represent one row or one column?
What should <t:outputText value="#{oneDay[rowIndex]}" /> really be? What I'm trying definitely isn't working! It apparently takes what I've specified and repeats it for each column. If I try to specify multiple <t:outputText> tags (e.g. hard-coding oneDay[0], oneDay[1], oneDay[2], and oneDay[3]), it puts all of the results in a single cell, then repeats that cell. Not what I had in mind at all.
In some of the example snippets that I've seen, I've seen reference to something like <t:outputText value="#{timecardForm.columnValue}">, but I've seen no explanation of where "columnValue is coming from. Presumably there's a call to a "getColumnValue" method, but I'm not sure how that method would know which value is needed next.
I'm obviously wildly missing the mark on this one. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance!