posted 16 years ago
Criteria restrictions are not applied in the items of the collections. I have a persistence entity (POJO) Menugroup and it has a collection called catgroups (HashSet, one to many). Catgroup persistence entity (POJO) has another one-to-many collection "dealitems" (HashSet). My criteria query is below:
Mapping file snippet of Menugroup.hbm.xml is below:-
When I run my code, hibernate generates the below 2 sqls and they are displayed in the console
Hibernate generated SQL query-1
Hibernate generated SQL query-2:
The issue issue is, in the result, items in the catgroups collections are not in ascending order and the restriction "published=true" are also not applied on them. I meant to say that below condtions from my criteria query are not applied on catgroups collections.
createCriteria("catgroups").addOrder( Property.forName("name").asc()).
add( Restrictions.eq("published", true) )
The above critieria conditions should be applied on hibernate generated 2nd SQL query but it does not happen. Could any one help me to find out whether I have missed some thing in my criteria query to get the result as I expected or this is a bug in criteria query. ?
Expected result: Items in the catgroups collection should be in order and the condition "published"=true should applied.
I hope, the information i provided above would help to understand what is the problem I face.
[ July 07, 2008: Message edited by: Saravanan Vijayappan ]