Originally posted by Latha Kalaga:
I am new to Web Services and trying to understand more about this upcoming technology. I like to develop an application and deploy as a web service. What are all the software needed for this process?
Is there a SDK available for developing web services? Can I run my own personal UDDI registry (with in intranet)? Are there any other tools that could help the process?
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Yes lots of tools hitting the market.
Sun just released the JWSDP and can be
prominently on their web site
http://java.sun.com The marketing page does say private uddi is supported. I have just started
test driving this.
IBM WSTK is available from
http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks WSTK does have facilities for private uddi. I have developed sample applications using this package and private uddi works fine.
BEA has announced that Project Cajun will
have some web services development pieces in
it. One of the SEs said private uddi is not supported (initially). This was at a seminar about 2 weeks ago. I am not sure since I have not downloaded or used this one.