My answers inline:
1) Will Apache Axis co-exist with SUN's Web services developer pack ? or will SUN's framework subsume Axis ? I asking this because I want to know what APIs will gain market acceptance before spending time learning the APIs.
Apache Axis will never be part of Sun JWSDP. Because Axis has it own implementation in addition to supporting JAX-RPC and SAAJ.
But Apache
Tomcat will be part of Sun JWSDP to serve as a
Servlet container.
In regards with API acceptance, Sun JWSDP will be part of
J2EE 1.4 which is partcipated by almost all J2EE vendors.
2) Don Box, a Microsoft evangelist
complained about the proliferation of standards especially those from the WS-I organization. What is SUN's role in WS-I ?
Sun is the newly joined board member of WS-I.
3) What is the current situation with the licensing of these WebServices standards like WSDL, SOAP, UDDI etc... ? If I remember correctly; 6 months to a year ago - there was a lot of uncertainty on this.
Currently SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1 and UDDI 2.0 are accepted as standards by the standard orgs. And SOAP 1.2, WSDL 1.2 and UDDI 3.x is currently under review stages.
4) On the website; it says that you cover web services security i.e. XML Encryption and Signature. Any mentioned on other security protocols (which were also in a flux) like SAML, WS-Security and identity management ?
Security is covered in Chapter 12, with quick examples of how to's for XML Encryption and Digital signature.
You will find overview of SAML and WS-Security.
5) Does the JAX* apis use XML-Schema extensively ?
Ofcourse, we have covered them in the Data binding chapters.
Take a look at free chapters posted at 6) What's been happening in the web services choreagraphy space ? A short summary in this area would be much appreciated.
WSCI and BPEL4WS is on the works...not many implementations available.