Co-author of SCMAD Exam Guide, Author of JMADPlus
But I'm not quite about what you mean by "managers". Would it mean to "architects" in web services context?
FTPOnline: You subtitle your book a "Field Guide." Who is most likely to benefit from it, and why?
Thomas Erl: This book covers a lot of ground. It addresses the integration of XML, Web services, and service-oriented architecture individually by providing separate sets of tutorials, strategies, and best practices. Integration of these technologies into application environments is discussed separately from the use of these technologies to enable integration between applications. Traditional Web services technologies (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) are also addressed separately from the second-generation or WS-* technology set (WS-Security, WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction, BPEL4WS, etc.). It therefore allows organizations to take what they need for whatever evolutionary stage their technical environment is in.
Despite the separation, there is an alignment throughout all the chapters, in that each addresses a key part of contemporary SOA. For instance, establishing a quality XML data architecture lays a solid foundation for the incorporation of a Web services communication framework. Similarly, designing distributed components with service-oriented principles allows for a low-impact transition toward Web services and SOAs.
As a result, I think this book will appeal to a range of IT professionals. It contains both technical and conceptual integration, as well as design strategies that will be useful to developers and analysts. It also explores numerous legacy and enterprise architectures, by contrasting traditional and service-oriented approaches. These parts will be of interest to architects and other IT analysts responsible for designing solutions, and evaluating and positioning new technology.
Finally, although not a tutorial-oriented book, it does provide 16 individual tutorials, including several that cover the new WS-* standards. These chapters were included to give readers the necessary background information to understand the strategies, architectures, and best practices provided in later chapters.
With regards to the "Field Guide" subtitle, the idea was to create the type of book you'd take into the trenches with you�a strategic reference guide offering advice, options, and lots of ideas.
Co-author of SCMAD Exam Guide, Author of JMADPlus
SCJP 1.4, SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.3, SCBCD 1.3, IBM Certified Solution Developer -WebSphere Studio V5.0
Originally posted by Dave Knipp:
It does sound like this book would be for developers and architects. If you say its more of an integration type book, does that mean it will still teach the basics of the technology, or does this book assume you have a solid knowledge of web services, soa, etc??
Author of Test Driven (2007) and Effective Unit Testing (2013) [Blog] [HowToAskQuestionsOnJavaRanch]
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
Based on the Amazon reviews I quickly scanned through, I'd say this is a typical integration book in terms of technical depth. I don't think it shows you how to develop web services or XSL stylesheets. I think it shows you how different technologies work together on an architectural level.
Co-author of SCMAD Exam Guide, Author of JMADPlus
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