Dear friends,
I'm having some big problems with authentication for a web service.
My original error message was a 405 Method not Allowed, and I realized it was some authorization problem.
Crosschecked all user/pass info, OK. The problem is sending this info properly, then.
I looked at this previous
thread (
HERE), and discovered that one could put some authorization info at the SOAPHeader (later confirmed
As I set the envelope's header, however, I got a "SOAPExceptionImpl: HeaderElements must be namespace qualified" Exception, and that made me get lost. Is there any standard namespace for authorization/authentication?
I found out that the web service is running on a IIS 5.0 / win2k machine, and the authentication process was "configured on IIS to validate the local user that was sent to me".
I am currently using the SOAPEnvelope to generate the Name I need to create the header:
Any help would be highly appreciated.
[ August 26, 2004: Message edited by: Gustavo Torreti ]