My goal is to consume a web service using Apache AXIS. This web service uses Integrated Windows Authentication.
I use IE have configured Proxy server address and Proxy server port using IE's Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections Tab -> LAN Settings -> Proxy serer.
If type the webservice endpoint address of the form
http://239.271.380.120/serveme/WS.asmx in my browser then I see in my browser "You are not authorized to view this page .. HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to server configuration. Internet Information Services (IIS)" but there is another client in another network who is getting a login dialog to enter domain\\username and password when he types the web service endpoint address in the browser. This makes me think that either the so called another client is in the same domain as the web service provider and I am not.
Anway, I tried to write standalone HttpClient (I use commons-httpclient-3.0-rc3, commons-codec-1.3, commons-logging-1.0.4) program NTCredentialsClient.java like below :
In the above program, user1, password1, domain1 are details given by my service provider and
MYDESKTOP is my local machine name from which I am running the above program. 20.222.335.37
is my proxy server address and 3128 is my proxy server port. Now when I run the above
program I get this exception :
Can anyone please tell me whether the configurations I have made in my above client program are correct or is there anything that I am overlooking. Also, in the above program for AuthScope constructor, do I need to pass web service server adderss and port OR my local proxy address and local proxy port as constructor arguments ?
Please suggest ...
Thanks & Regards,