I am using Netbeans 6.1 and created a web application that has some generated clients to an outside webservice that are referenced in my
JSP page. I deploy my .war to a
tomcat server and everything runs until I hit a page that references those client proxies, then it says it can't find the wsdl file.
I look inside the expaned folder from my war on tomcat and I find :
/warfolder/WEB-INF/wsdl/client/users/users.wsdl but I notice that the error says it cant find the path that it was on my development machine:
Failed to access the WSDL at: file:/C:/Netbeans61/Projects/<project>/resources/wsdl/jobs.wsdl. It failed with: C:\Netbeans61\Projects\<project>\resources\wsdl\jobs.wsdl (The system cannot find the path specified).
So the question is, how do I tell my references to my web service client clases where to find the wsdl?
And also, does it re-read the wsdl on every runtime reference to the client classes and rebuild the classes on each call to it? If so, isnt' there a way in Netbeans/JAX-WS to compile the client classes once and deploy them so it does't re-read the wsdl after deployment?