I am working on a project where I need to upgrade from JAX-RPC to JAX-WS. My project is using JAXB + JAX-RPC for data binding. So I have marshaller and unmarshaller written for parsing data.
JAX-WS has delegated Java/XML binding to JAXB but still while using JAX-WS too I would need to write marshaller and unmarshaller.
So what advantage I would be getting writing WebServices in JAX-WS with respect to JAXB ?
Also any other advantages I get using JAX-WS over JAX-RPC which will make me think of upgrading my existing web services to JAX-WS .
Thats what I am asking Ulf ? Leave aside upgradation , what if I need to make some new Web services , why should I use JAX-WS over JAX-RPC with respect to JAXB ? I need to present some good points to management/client for this .