I wrote a
Java programming tutorial that covers
SCJP and its online and open source!
Open source means that any one can post it at any website and also add other topics and code for everyone to help out!
http://www.firewallfortress.com/ Scroll down a little: Area under construction
http://www.firewallfortress.com/mainmenu.html Topics - Contents
Java SDK 1.2/1.3 and soon updated for JDK 1.4
A: Loops,Control structures & Exceptions
B: Operators, keywords & identifiers etc...
C: Arrays, Methods & Recursion
D: References & pointers, Garbage Collection & threads
Polymorphism, inheritance, Composition/aggregation ,upcasting & downcasting
F:Packages, abstract classes, and interfaces, cloning, RTTI
G:Inner Classes and Event Handing and Basic AWT
H:Layout Managers ,Components and Containers
I: Painting and
Applets and HTML basics
j: Collections: Set, list and Map
k:java.lang .object and .string
L:IO streams & Files + Serialization(Swizzling)
M:TCP-IP and java.net-URL-Sockets
N: Java Glossary : 160 kb !
java - links