Hey guys,
I am new to the Palm stuff. I finally got a few little apps running on the palm. Therefore I got kinda brave and thought what about beaming. What I've done so far is just write an app that will send a beam to a listening palm.
The receiving palm will then just increment a counter and display that counter. Kind of like a ping only the sender isn't notified, (that will come later) only the receiver is notified.
Here is the problem, Palm A app sends beam to Palm B app. Palm A app says that there is no receiving palm available. If I close the app on Palm B and send from Palm A app again, I get an error on Palm B saying that the KVM can only receive application data when a
Java application is running. If I send from both Palm A app and Palm B app at the same time, both palms detect that the other palm is busy.
Here is my receiveBeam code:
Am I doing something wrong? It doesn't look like it should work but then again neither did the send method either....
BTW: this is a Palm Vx with what I think is the latest KVM plus the kAWT stuff as well.
[This message has been edited by ryan headley (edited May 24, 2001).]