Hi there, I'm really happy with Daryl Wilding-McBride's "Java Development on PDAs: Building Applications for Pocket PC and Palm Devices". And I was wondering if there's any plan for writing not a second edition, but an advanced one. Fernando
I could see what I could do :-). Why don't you send me your wish list at daryl@javaonpdas.com.
Daryl Wilding-McBride<br />Author of "Java Development on PDAs" (ISBN 0-201-71954-1)<br /><a href="http://www.javaonpdas.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.javaonpdas.com</a>
>> Why don't you send me your wish list at daryl@javaonpdas.com. Sure! Just let me get a bit more advanced in my project, so that my wish list makes more sense I think I told you already about using the Emulator, but I'll include it as well
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