The only Collection style classes are Vector, Stack and Hashtable.
That's it bascially, except that there are also differences between the packages and classes that are common to both. E.g. both J2SE and J2ME have a java.lang.String class, but the J2ME version doesn't have all the methods that J2SE has.
Although it is CDC here, but if you do CLDC and really, really need the Collection package: Sun InfoBus. This gives the Collection API. Never tried in J2ME but it should work if you have enough heap. [ November 27, 2004: Message edited by: Alexander Traud ]
That package extends J2SE classes that are not included in J2ME. In any case packages cannot be installed unless they are part of the your code in the first place. I.e. you would need the full source, and it would have to be entirely in Java (no native code).
Something must be done about this. Let's start by reading this tiny ad: