hi i have a very difficult problem, that must be overcome. i am using a midlet to send a query to a
servlet using HTTPConnection class's method open. The query is like this
connection.open("http://localhost:8080?PathProject/ps/query=first loc");
this throws an error "Space in URL". so i replaced the space with %20.
this works. The Conenction is wrapped in its own class. The constructor of the class recives a
String url as a parameter. so i want to replace every occurance of a space in that string with %20. but it dosent allow me to use
url.replace(' ','%20');
please help me with this problem .thanks. note. in above first loc is the name of a location in my city. and this is then read from the database. how can i do this. replace spaces with %20. i carnt cahnge the complete database to remove space between areas.
[ September 17, 2005: Message edited by: Mateen Dar ]
[ September 17, 2005: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]