Hey folks
First, I'm not sure if this is the right forum, if its not I'm sorry.
So, other than doing a midlet application 3 years ago, havent worked in J2ME environment at all. So its been long time, and here I am, because I want to ask you for help and suggestions...
I think I'm going to need to develope a mobile (cell-phone) application that will interact with an existing web site. So, I'm thinking of implementing some or all of the these features. I'm starting the application on my cellphone and it should go like this:
-user login/password fields - communication with the web site for authentication (thru gprs I guess)
-if successful, some simple menu will appear, with eventually me as a user to be able to check a box for confirmation, and feature that will enable me as a user to upload a file from the cellphone (a picture, sound...).
Basically, think of it like this: A desktop application but on a cellphone.
Java because most of the phones support it and it can be easily installed and ported to any cellphone, specially the newer models.
What would I need to develop this kind of application? Is netbeans mobility pack enough as a
IDE and working environment?
What about the communication for checking the logging of the user? Security aspects and etc? Cookies wont be possible, os instead URL rewriting is the method to go for session information?
Any other suggestion or issues that I should be aware and give more attention?