The Java tutorial is 100+ pages long and All the concepts where checked 2x to be correct, much of the code is pseudo-code.
Table of Contents:
Java SDK 1.2/1.3 and soon updated for JDK 1.4
A: Loops,Control structures & Exceptions
B: Operators, keywords & identifiers etc...
C: Arrays, Methods & Recursion
D: References & pointers, Garbage Collection & threads
Polymorphism, inheritance, Composition/aggregation ,upcasting & downcasting
F:Packages, abstract classes, and interfaces, cloning, RTTI
G:Inner Classes and Event Handing and Basic AWT
H:Layout Managers ,Components and Containers
I: Painting and
Applets and HTML basics
j: Collections: Set, list and Map
k:java.lang .object and .string
L:IO streams & Files + Serialization(Swizzling)
M:TCP-IP and
N: Java Glossary : 160 kb !
java - links