An interesting question Murugan!
To clarify / Confuse to clarify,
> An abtract class cannot be instantiated
because it is an incomplete class and one cannot provide concrete implementations of the class (ie via new operator)
> An abstract class can be compiled and executed
just like any other class.
Is this justifiable in any sense? Because ur class is incomplete? > But there are enough checks in the
java Compiler which doesn't let you the unwanted,
like ...
abstract methods cannot be static So there is no way u can access the 'incomplete' portion of ur class without having an instance of ur class. (which u cannot because ur class is abstract). so basically u cannot access that abstract method until u give it a concrete implementation.
u cannot access the instance methods of ur class without having an instance of ur class. So u cannot access them from the "main" of an abstract class.
> So the only thing u can do is access the static methods from the 'main' of ur abstract class.
and get it to run also.