Hi, I have done all those ten mock exams of JQPlus and get a average of 82%. I got 68% for the toughest mock exam. I also went carefully through explanation for each question. Do you think I am ready for real battle? **JQPlus is a must for those who intend for scjp.
If you�re feeling a bit insecure you should try this mock: Marcus Green�s mock it�s really close to the real exam...and it�s free Francisco
Francisco<br />SCJP<br />please use the [code][/code] tags when showing code.Click <a href="http://saloon.javaranch.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=ubb_code_page" target="_blank">here</a> to see an example.
Hi, I think you should not have any problem if you understand the mistakes you've made. I think I'm having about the same score as you when I did my SCJP. But you should put in more effort in memorising the Java IO, Applet tag and inner class. Then, you should be in the reigon of 80's. Of course, if you're aiming for higher mark, then do study more. Cheers.
Alan don't be disheartened . jq+ has been designed to be tough . So if you get above 80 that means 90 in the actual exam . I never got more than 50% in jq+ but scored above 70 . regards raghav mathur
Originally posted by Alan Chong: Hi, I have done all those ten mock exams of JQPlus and get a average of 82%. I got 68% for the toughest mock exam. I also went carefully through explanation for each question. Do you think I am ready for real battle? **JQPlus is a must for those who intend for scjp.
Alan, you are doing good.. but as suggested... if you've time, don't miss the marcus greeen exams at www.jchq.net and whizlabs at www.whizlabs.com all the best rajat
Hi all, Thanks for your replies. Sometimes ago I tried valoxo's mock exam. That was really really tough for me at that time. I spent four hours doing those 59 questions. And I just got 36%. Then I bought JQPlus and put a lot of time on it. I was not happy with what I got from valoxo's mock exam so I did it again yesterday. This time I got 61%( just enough ). I thought I could get above 70%. So I was still a bit dissappointed with the result. Never mind that. If you have done JQPlus, I would advice that you also take valoxo's mock exam.
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