hi friends, this is a good one , guess the o/p. good luck,
Options : a . 2 b . Compile error " No method matching get ( ) found in class Q026 . " c . 5 d . NullPointerException thrown at run-time . But the answer is none of these, can u get guess what it is good luck
"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." <br />Roger Bannister
Hi Vishy, Tha ans should be "B's get method" and 6 Here is how 6 is printed. 1)The line Q028 obj = new Q028();invokes the no-args constructor of the class B, which in turn invkes the no args constructor of A So i is incremented twice and the value is now '2'. 2) A ob =new A();This invokes the no-args constructor of A so, i is '3'. 3)Q028 invokes the getmehtod() of B. which returns (i+3) which is 6 now. I hope I am right.
Hi Guyz, U all r right, actually missed one thing in the question, actually the output still remains the same. Q028 obj = new Q028(); A ob = new A(); ob = (A)obj; //----------this is the change. System.out.println(ob.get()); Now I want to confirm with u all ,the casting with (A)obj still call the get method of class B as Q028 extends B right ?? do explain thanks,
"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." <br />Roger Bannister
Polymorphism is in play at ob = obj. ob which is of type A is assigned a subclass of its type Q028. The get() method is overridden in B and inherited in Q028. So which get() method is called will depend on the object's type at runtime which, according to your code, is Q028.
SCJP 1.4<br />SCWCD 1.4
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