Hi Ratna
If you are not confident and time is a constraint, Online Training can be excellent resourse. Whizlabs focuses on mapping the Training program according to the trainees current knowledge.
For this trainees takes a diagnostic
test prior to the first session and then the instructor customizes the training as per trainee's diagnostic report. Each trainee thus contributes towards customization of the training to suit and enhance his/her knowledge. Small batch size (limited to a maximum three participants) makes the training highly penetrative and trainee oriented.
Jitin Narang,<br />Manager, Trainings<br /> <br />Whizlabs Software<br />Success, certified!<br />Opportunity for - SCJP 5.0 SME -- Royalties & Advance<br /><a href="http://www.whizlabs.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.whizlabs.com</a>