I'm finally part of the club...yeh!(I just passed last Wednesday!) Bob, definitely review Marcus Green's mock exam's via
http://www.javaranch.com/mock.jsp (you'll have to sift through the questions that are not pertinent to the exam)
I scored weakest on the threads section so just make sure you're really confident in that...at least for me it seemed like a variation of this type showed up once every four questions.
Although not complete...transcender.com and Selftest software has demo questions that reflect the difficulty of the exam. It's free and just gives you that much more of an idea of what's going to be out there.
My last
word of advice...don't drink too much
water during the exam. The last half hour on was concentrating more on not going to the little Wranglers room than the test itself!
You can do it though! If I can ... anybody can! Study tough!