i've been studying khalid for 1 month.
I thought practicals will be easy after theory.
but when i executed the first program.
1)i got "exception in
thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:"
then set it right
by using
set CLASSPATH=c:j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin;%CLASSPATH%;
please help me in setting the classpath and path in environment variables
2) when i tried executing example 1.4 which is Client.java
This Client.java accesses CharStack.java which is having public access and is present in the same folder as Client.java however i get error
Client.java can't resolve symbol
Class CharStack .
i get the error
then i created CharStack.class but still same error.
then i copied CharStack class into Client.java
then i got error CharStack is public and must be declared in a CharStack.java file.
then i have to make
public class CharStack as
class CharStack and execute
or i have to make
public class Client as
class Client and execute.
but what i want to know is how to use the public access in both of them
do i need to set the classpath .
please help me in setting classpath