It is a very difficult to answer question without knowing more about your background. It also varies wildly from person to person. So for example I find learning new technical information very difficult and need to read a page several times and then answer some questions before I am likely to understand it. Some people (it seems) can read a page of technical text once and seem to grasp it. Many years ago Sun used to recommend around 6 months of study, but I think that was on the basis that you did not know a great deal at the start.
It is important to be aware that people who are experienced and good Java programmers may fail the exam because they do not study the exam specific topics. Thus you might be an experienced and knowlegable programmer who knows everything about
JSP and
EJB but come undone on the exam when it asks you questions about the platform dependent and indeterminate nature of Threading and the details of the new Generic collection classes. But you have an exam specific book so
you should be OK on that front.
But for a simple answer..... 3 to 6 months.
[ February 03, 2006: Message edited by: Marcus Green ]