here is the directory structure:
C:\ dirA\dirB\dirC\
when i try to compile using the command
1:-c:\javac -cp dirA\dirB\dirC\ it displays the error message
javac: no source files
but when i pass this command
2:-c:\java -cp \dirA \dirA\dirB\dirC\ it compiles successfully. what is the difference between 1st command & 2nd command.
if I am inside dirA i.e c:\dirA>
what should I give as classpath variable to complie & execute
what is relative classpath i.e what is meaning of -cp dirB;dirB\dirC?
if i execute the command
c:\dirA> javac -cp dirB;dirB\dirC\ error message is "javac: no source files is found ".
why did I get this error message when file is inside dirC.