getCodeBase() refers to the web directory where the web page containing the applet is located. If the image is not directly inside that directory, that won't help.
The following paragraph describes what to do (I've copied it from a list message years ago, and have not tried it, but it should point you in the right direction):
>To load an image from a jar file (platform independent) you can use the
>following method or a similar one:
>public static final
String myImageFile = new String("/Resources/Misc/imagename.gif");
>public Image getMyImage() {
> return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource(myImageFile));
>obviously the imagename.gif must be in a folder Resources/Misc in the jar file.
>The essential call is the
>getClass().getResource(String image)
>that will return the correct URL to load the image file from the jar.
>Important: I believe (never tried a different way) that the class file
>calling the method must be in the same jar archive of the images.